Release date 26th November
Inspired by the unfettered feeling of the acoustic performances filmed during Heima, Sigur Rós adopted a looser approach in creating their fifth album Med Sud I Eyrum Vid Spilum Endalaust. The album consequently is fresher and more human than anything they've previously recorded. Rough edges, cracked notes, and the sound of fingers on strings are audible resulting in tracks. It's the first time they've attempted to write, record, mix, release and support (by touring) an album in the same year. Notoriously known for their laborious writing/recording style and their Icelandic roots, Sigur Rós decided to record an album outside of Iceland for the first time. Recording, mixing and mastering sessions took place in such un-Reykjavik cities as New York (Sear Sound and Sterling Sound), London (Abbey Road and Assault & Battery) and Havana.