For their fifth studio album, ‘Boneshaker’, all-action Aussie rockers Airbourne decided to take the bolder path, settin themselves a challenge to make a record cut from the same frayed cloth as those classic late-’70s recordings – from an age before technology was driving the show, when it was all about energy, spirit and on-the-spot performance; when tape machines still added that extra warmth an’ weight, and when the quest wasn’t for perfection, it was for tracks that connected on an emotional, primal, gut level – in-your-face recordings laying bare the raw, ragged glory of the rock ‘n’ roll lifestyle, and if the levels sometimes peaked into the danger zone, well, all the better. Turn it up! Leave a mark.
At a time when the hard rock world is seeking a shot in its tattooed arm, Airbourne deliver a taut body of work cut with greater swagger, groove and conviction than ever.